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Series: Calvin and Hobbes Author: Bill Watterson Panel 1: Calvin and Hobbes are walking down the alley. Calvin: »If you could wish for anything, what would it be?« Panel 2: Hobbes looking happy with a smile. Calvin siting next to Hobbes, listening to him. Hobbes: »A big sunny field to be in.« Panel 3: Calvin, very excited, is screaming. Calvin: »A STUPID FIELD? YOU'VE GOT THAT NOW! THINK BIG! RICHES! POWER! PRETEND YOU COULD HAVE ANYTHING!« Panel 4: Calvin, thoughtful, looking at Hobbes. Hobbes, absolutely satisfied, lying in the field, sleeping. Calvin: »Actually, it's hard to argue with someone who looks so happy.« Hobbes: »zzZZZzzz«
<html> <h1>Calvin and Hobbes</h1> <h2>Panel 1</h2> <ul> <li> <b>Calvin</b>: <i>If you could wish for anything, what would it be?</i> </li> </ul> <h2>Panel 2</h2> </html>
<author>Bill Watterson</author>
<scene>Calvin and Hobbes are walking down the alley.</scene>
<strip> <prolog> <series>Calvin and Hobbes</series> <author>Bill Watterson</author> <characters> <character>Calvin</character> <character>Hobbes</character> </characters> </prolog> <panels> <panel> <scene>Calvin and Hobbes are walking down the alley.</scene> <bubbles> <bubble> <speaker>Calvin</speaker> <speech>If you could wish for anything, what would it be?</speech> </bubble> </bubbles> </panel> <panel> <scene>Hobbes looking happy with a smile. Calvin sitting next to Hobbes, listening to him.</scene> <bubbles> <bubble> <speaker>Hobbes</speaker> <speech>A big sunny field to be in.</speech> </bubble> </bubbles> </panel> <panel> <scene>Calvin, very excited, is screaming.</scene> <bubbles> <bubble> <speaker>Calvin</speaker> <speech>A STUPID FIELD? YOU'VE GOT THAT NOW! THINK BIG! RICHES! POWER! PRETEND YOU COULD HAVE ANYTHING!</speech> </bubble> </bubbles> </panel> <panel> <scene>Calvin, thoughtful, looking at Hobbes. Hobbes, absolutely satisfied, lying in the field, sleeping.</scene> <bubbles> <bubble> <speaker>Calvin</speaker> <speech>Actually, it's hard to argue with someone who looks so happy.</speech> </bubble> <bubble> <speaker>Hobbes</speaker> <speech>zzZZZzzz</speech> </bubble> </bubbles> </panel> </panels> </strip>
<question>If you could wish ... ?</question>
<scream>A STUPID FIELD?! ...</scream>
<bubble tone="question">If you could wish ...?</bubble>
<bubble tone="scream" mood="excited">A STUPID FIELD?! ...?</bubble>
<character id="calvin">Calvin, a six-year-old boy, named after the 16th-century theologian John Calvin.</character>
<character id="hobbes">Hobbes, stuffed and anthropomorphic Bengal Tiger.</character>
<bubble speaker="hobbes" to="calvin" tone="answer" mood="relaxed">A big sunny field to be in.</bubble>
<strip copyright="Universal Press Syndicate" year="1986"> <prolog> <series url="">Calvin and Hobbes</series> <author>Bill Watterson</author> <genres> <genre>humor</genre> <genre>family life</genre> <genre>politics</genre> <genre>satire</genre> </genres> <characters> <character id="calvin">Calvin, a precocious, mischievous, and adventurous six-year-old boy.</character> <character id="hobbes">Hobbes, sardonic, stuffed and anthropomorphic Bengal Tiger.</character> <character id="wormwood">Miss Wormwood, Calvin's world-weary teacher.</character> </characters> </prolog> <panels length="4"> <panel no="1"> <scene visible="calvin hobbes">Calvin and Hobbes are walking down the alley.</scene> <bubbles> <bubble speaker="calvin" to="hobbes" tone="question">If you could wish for anything, what would it be?</bubble> </bubbles> </panel> <panel no="2"> <scene visible="calvin hobbes">Hobbes looking happy with a smile. Calvin sitting next to Hobbes, listening to him.</scene> <bubbles> <bubble speaker="hobbes" to="calvin" tone="answer" mood="relaxed">A big sunny field to be in.</bubble> </bubbles> </panel> <panel no="3"> <scene visible="calvin">Calvin, very excited, is screaming.</scene> <bubbles> <bubble speaker="calvin" to="hobbes" tone="screaming" mood="excited">A STUPID FIELD? YOU'VE GOT THAT NOW! THINK BIG! RICHES! POWER! PRETEND YOU COULD HAVE ANYTHING!</bubble> </bubbles> </panel> <panel no="4"> <scene visible="calvin hobbes">Calvin, thoughtful, looking at Hobbes. Hobbes, absolutely satisfied, lying in the field, sleeping.</scene> <bubbles> <bubble speaker="calvin" to="calvin" tone="whispering" mood="thoughtful">Actually, it's hard to argue with someone who looks so happy.</bubble> <bubble speaker="hobbes" mood="relaxed">zzZZZzzz</bubble> </bubbles> </panel> </panels> </strip>
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A Complete Comic Strip Database<comic-strips> <calvin-strips> <strip date="1985-11-18"> ... </strip> ... <strip date="1995-12-31"> ... </strip> </calvin-strips> <dilbert-strips> <strip date="1988-07-21"> ... </strip> ... <strip date="2005-10-12"> ... </strip> </dilbert-strips> </comic-strips>
(Characters used: A...Z, a...z, 0...9, +, /, =
<strip> <prolog> ... </prolog> <drawing encoding="base64" mime-type="application/pdf"> JVBERi0xLjMKJcTl8uXrp/Og0MTGCjIgMCBvYmoKPDwgL0xlbmd0aCA0IDA... bGF0ZURlY29kZSA+PgpzdHJlYW0KeNorVAhUKFTQD0gtSk4tKClNzFEoygQ... ... </drawing> <panels> ... </panels> </strip>